We have learned about four different eating styles in the previous lesson; fuel eating, fog eating, fun eating, and storm eating.
Now it's time for you to learn about different styles of eating.
There are a lot of eating styles when it comes to how, and how much food you eat. But today we are going to look at seven eating styles established by Dr. Larry Scherwitz and his team. These eating styles are the ones linked to overweight and obesity.
Let's get into these;
Eating style #1: Stress eating:
Stress eating also known as emotional eating- is a type of eating in which we start to use food as a solution to deal with our feelings and emotions rather than fueling our bodies.
Most of us race toward the pantry whenever we feel upset, or lonely or even when we want to celebrate something. This eating in response to our emotions is called stress eating. It often leads you to eat too much, especially high-calorie and sugary foods. Which can result in weight gain.
Eating style #2: Fast foodism:
A sugary doughnut for breakfast, a large slice of pizza for lunch, a double cheeseburger at the dinner table, and here you are on the list of fast food, along with most Americans.
Fast foodism or fast food is a type of eating style in which the main source of eating is highly processed and calorie-dense food which leads to cravings, overeating, and weight gain. These types of food not only make you have extra calories but also won't make you feel full. And you end up eating more and more.
Eating style #3: Unconscious munching:
There is a box of doughnuts on your table, but after some time it is all gone. Can't recall when you eat that? Well, that's what we call Unconscious munching, or unmindful eating. It is a type of eating style when you don't even realize what you are eating.
Studies have shown that being conscious and mindful while purchasing, eating or preparing can help in eating fewer calories, losing weight, and enjoying food. Here are some tips:
Eat slowly
Eliminate all the distractions
Appreciate what is on your plate
Engage all of your senses when you are at the dining table
Eating style #4: Task Snacking:
Task snacking- eating while doing another task. In French it is known as "Vagabond eating", some people call it "multi-tasking", and some of us call it "Normal". However, if you often eat while watching TV, driving your car, working in front of your computer, or talking on the phone, it is high likely that you are task snacking. This can result in overeating.
Eating style #5: Over-Concerned Eating:
Over-concerned eating or food fretting, as it is clear from its name, is the type of eating style where eating has become more of a source of anxiety instead of a source of pleasure.
These days, when diet culture has become so popular some of us have developed an obsession where food is only healthy when it is raw, fresh, whole grain and gluten-free. Well, there can never be a perfect diet. Moderation is the key, and instead of stressing out about what to eat give yourself occasional treats to maintain balance.
Eating style #6: Group Feasting:
You eat more when you are with other people as compared to when you are alone. Studies have also shown that eating in a hectic environment like a gathering can make you eat a lot more which can result in weight gain.
Eating Style #7 Panic Eating:
Are you the one always in a hurry and starts to panic whenever you think of giving yourself time for your meals, then you may be a panic eater. Yes, panic eating is an eating style in which a person cannot make himself relax around food, which can end up in making wrong food choices and unhealthy decisions.
Every one of us is so busy in our lives that it sometimes feels challenging to make some time to prepare and have proper meals, but with some psych tricks, you can manage your time to make healthy food decisions.
Discover your eating style
Now you know all of the eating styles which can influence your weight, you must be wondering which one of those eating styles applies to you most. Is it unconscious munching? Or is it task snacking?
To help you discover that, we have come up with a quiz. This is a simple quiz with three basic questions, choose the response according to your behavior and write it down.
Let's start;
Question A: Your Eating Style At Home:
What do you think your eating behavior is when you are home;
1 – will grab anything that looks convenient to satisfy my cravings
2 - cannot decide what to eat
3 – Only take 5-7 minutes to finish that bowl of veggie soup
4 – want a company to eat something good
5 – Don't even know when I finish that plate of brownies
6 – It's important for me to watch my favorite show on TV while eating
7 - What to eat will depend on what kind of mood I have today
Question B: Your Eating Style in Public:
What do you think your behavior would be when you are in public:
1 – Fast food is the best option for me right now
2 – I think I am not going to find the right food for me here
3 – I don't have time for a proper meal, I have a lot of other things to do
4 – The more people the more fun it would be to eating
5 – can't really remember what I ate last time when I was here
6 – I have to check my emails while eating, I have some free time now
7 – Today's menu will depend upon how I feel today
Question C: Eating Style At Work:
What would be your eating style if you were at work:
1 – Pick up the food, on the go
2 – Eat alone so nobody will judge my meal
3 – I should have instant noodles at lunchtime so that I won't be late for a meeting
4 – always eat lunch with my colleagues and staff
5 – Don't remember when I have that cafeteria sandwich
6 – I can eat in front of my work while doing some pending tasks
7 – always have a bag of chips whenever I have some workload
So, the number you choose will tell you about your eating style.
That's because each number is a different eating style, check out the key;
1 = Fast foodism
2 = Over-concerned Eating
3 = Panic Eating
4 = Group Feasting
5 = unconscious munching
6 = task snacking
7 = Stress eating
If you have a different number for each question, then it means you have three different eating styles, which is a good thing because you are not sticking to only one style, but there are also others to reflect on.
If you have an eating style, for example, you do task snacking often, but that does not mean that you are a task eater. Labeling yourself to that one eating style won't be any help to your health journey. So, instead of trying to eliminate that eating style completely, just focus on practicing that eating style less often.