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Avacados on a cutting board

If you used to use cassette tapes then you remember when fats we're the scapegoat of weight gain. Times have changed and research has progressed and we found that fat is not the enemy! In fact, The New England Journal of Medicine found that people lost more weight using low-carb diets and Mediterranean diets than when they used low-fat diets. However, you still want to eat fats in moderation because they are calorically dense. That's why eating one tablespoon of olive won't make feel as full as eating one pint of strawberries even though they are the same amount of calories. Fat has 9 calories per gram versus carbs(4) and protein(4). Fat is an essential nutrient, meaning that your body can't produce it on it's own and requires you to eat it for your body to function optimally. There are healthy and unhealthy fats. Here are the different types of fats.

Unsaturated fat

These are good fats and can raise your healthy cholesterol, also known as HDL.

Saturated fat

You can find healthy fats in healthy foods. Unprocessed foods, usually have healthy fats. Shocker right?

Here are some examples of foods with healthy fats.

You can find unhealthy fats in fun foods. Processed foods, usually have unhealthy fats. Even more shocking!

Here are some examples of foods with unhealthy fats. Hint: they're almost all processed ;)

Processed foods interfere with fat

To continue with our theme of processed foods and fat, let's explore different ways the process of processing our processed foods affect fat and our weight loss process.....process.

#1 Added fats

Fats taste good and companies know it. In fact they think of ways to make our food more appealing by making them smooth and a sensation on the palate. Ever licked frosting off your fingers? They add butter, margarine, lard, oils, lard to make your food taste better and make you want to buy more. Sneaky sneaky.

#2 Removed fats

Plus Processed foods just aren't that healthy for you. If you see low-fat processed foods, it usually means that it has a lot of carbohydrates, additives and sugar. It also probably lacks healthy vitamins and minerals, protein and fiber.

Fun Fact - trans fat.

It's not as easy as just looking at the fat content. For instance, mayonaise and avocado have similar amounts of fat. Avocados have 15g while mayonnaise has 20g. However avocado's fat is healthier and avocado's have nutritional vitamins and minerals with fiber. They will make you feel more full by applying the principles of volumetrics.

Eating tips to avoid fat

Okay, so we learned that there are healthy and unhealthy fats. Here are some actions you can take in your diet to implement healthy habits.

How to include healthy fats, and exclude unhealthy fats.


You're welcome for those tips. However, you're probably thinking, what do I actually eat? No worries, we've got you there too.

Recipe substitutions and ideas

Why fats are so important

We've established that fats aren't bad for you and it's just a matter of what type of fats you put in your body. Here are some reasons why fats are so important for our health.

Brain Health

Our brains are made of up almost 60% fat. For starters, fats keep our brain healthy. Our brain is made of up almost 60% fat. Fat is an essential nutrient so we can't produce it on our own. We have to have it in our diet to function well.

Vitamin Absorption


It's essential to recognize that not all fats are unhealthy. Healthy fats, found in foods like seafood, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, are beneficial for our health. Conversely, unhealthy fats in processed foods can have adverse effects.

By making simple swaps like using olive oil instead of vegetable oil and choosing lean meats over red meats, we can improve our diet. Understanding the importance of fats for brain health, vitamin absorption, and energy underscores the need to include them in our meals.

Incorporating these changes can lead to long-term health benefits. Let's embrace the power of healthy fats and make informed choices for a healthier future.

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