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Is it hunger or cravings?

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Do you ever find yourself craving a certain type of food or snack, even when you're not particularly hungry? You're not alone! Many of us confuse cravings with hunger, and as a result, we end up overeating and consuming more calories than our bodies need.

So, what's the difference between cravings and hunger? Hunger is a physical sensation that occurs when our bodies need fuel, while cravings are a psychological desire for a specific type of food.

One way to distinguish between hunger and cravings is the "broccoli test." Next time you're "hungry" allow yourself to eat as much broccoli as you want! Chances are that you probably won't. It's because you don't crave it. When we're truly hungry we'll eat anything, even if it's not our favorite food. However, if you're just craving something sweet, you're less likely to reach for the broccoli and more likely to reach for a cookie. Cravings are more likely to be triggered by emotional factors like stress, boredom, or anxiety.

So, how can we satisfy our cravings without overeating? One strategy is to indulge in moderation. For example, if you're craving chocolate, have a small piece instead of an entire bar. Another strategy is to find healthier alternatives that still satisfy your cravings. If you're craving something sweet, try eating a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar. Also snacking on high protein, high healthy fats will digest slowly and help you feel full for longer.

In conclusion, distinguishing between cravings and hunger can help us make better food choices and avoid overeating. Remember that our bodies need fuel to function properly, so it's important to listen to our hunger signals and eat when we're truly hungry. And if you're ever offered a plate of broccoli when you're truly hungry, don't be afraid to dig in – your body will thank you!

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