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Meet the Food Choice Map

Standing on a weight scale

We have learned a lot about food choices in previous lessons, and today we are going to put all of that information into one easy "food-choice map". But before getting into this let's take a step back and recap those food choices.

Food choices are all about what, when and how much you eat. And this what, when, and how is influenced by various factors. Let's take a look at those;

What you eat

There are the following factors which influence what you eat:

  • Convenience: How quickly can I have it?

  • Pleasure: How good will it taste?

  • Looks: How good does this food look?

When you eat

How much you eat

A lot of information, right? Well, that's why we are going to create a food choice map, to make it easier for you. This map will look at every angle of the food choices and what influences that food choice, and combine all those different factors together to know how that dessert reaches your plate.

This food-choice map will help you find your enemy - the enemy that instigated you to put that extra piece of cake on your plate.

Moreover, this food-choice map will also show you which factors affect your food choices in multiple ways. For example, the one factor - your environment, can influence both what and how much you eat.

So, how can you create your own food choice map? Let us tell you:

Create your personal food-choice map

Well, in order to create your own food choice map you have to think about the three things which lead you to that food choices; ready?

Factors That Influence What You Eat: There can be various factors which influence what you are going to eat. It can be the cost of the food, the availability, your health, the visual appeal of that food, the time of consumption or the people around you. Think about all of those which influence what is going to be on your plate. Make a list of those factors, putting the most important one on top.

Factors that Influence When You Eat: Now it's time for you to think about the factors which determine the time of your eating. It can be just the presence of the food, or any emotion like stress, anger, or happiness. Take some time to think and write down those triggers.

Factors that Influence How Much You Eat: So, the last one, think about the things which make you eat more or less, whether it is the presence of the food, your environment, or serving size. Write it all down. From most important to least.

So, finally, you have created your own food choice map. The things that you have listed above are the most important ones as they influenced you more, and the things you have mentioned at the bottom have low influence. 

For example,

if you have convenience at number one at determining what you eat and the time is number one that determines when you eat. Then you can make it convenient to grab healthy food choices when it's time for you to eat, and you are more than two-thirds of the way there! 

You can also take a picture of your food choice map and share it with your friends and family. It will make it easier when the people around you also know what triggers you to eat and eat more. Moreover, you can also share what you have learned with others, so they can benefit as well.

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