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Weekly Challenges

Updated: Apr 16

Three women celebrating on the beach

Did you know that achieving small goals keep you motivated? Let's make some weekly commitments and small goals to keep you motivated. Just one task every day for 1 week. They don't have to stack upon each other. Once the week is done, you can stop the your current goal and start the new one. Or you can add them upon one another if you're feeling extra spicy! The goal is to keep your head in the game and motivated. Choose one of the challenges each week. Let's go!

  • Walk 30,000 steps for the week

  • Replace snacks with water

  • Try a new vegetable every day

  • Substitute sugary snacks with fresh fruit

  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Pack a healthy lunch for work every day

  • Cook a nutritious meal every night

  • Exercise for 10 minutes every day

  • Add a green food to every meal

  • Don't eat in front of any screens

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