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What to Eat, During Your Perimenstrual Phase

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You may have heard of "seed cycling" and how it can help in balancing your hormones. Or about "cycle syncing," eating specific food during your menstrual cycle can change your life. Do these techniques really work?

There is not much research to support both of those techniques. However, getting basic nutrition  from your diet during your premenstrual phase is very important. The right food choices and healthy habits can help in reducing the symptoms of fatigue and weight fluctuation during your menstrual cycle.

But how can you do that? Well, we have come up with the four habits that will help you get all you need during your periods and help your body feel good and function properly.

1. Balance Your Plate With All the Healthy Nutrients

A healthy and balanced plate is a secret to a healthy life. Just as all of the other things in your life work properly when balanced, your meals and snacks also need balance. Getting all the nutrients from a properly balanced diet will not only improve your health and weight loss, but it will also make you feel full and satisfied throughout the day. But how can you make that balanced plate?

Well, a balanced meal plate consists of healthy fats, lean protein, and fiber-rich carbs. So, try to add food groups which contain all of these nutrients:

Healthy fats

Olive oil, Nuts, seeds, avocados and salmon

Lean Protein


You can start by adding one or two items from each food group to your plate. Also, try to minimize the consumption of fatty, sugary, and processed foods.

2. Variety:

Another way to get proper nutrients is by focusing on a variety of nutrient-rich foods and avoiding processed foods throughout your cycle. If you feel like your body is in need of a certain food group, then focus on that food; for example:

Heavy Bleeding

If you experience heavy bleeding during your cycle, it means you are losing a large amount of iron. So, you should add food groups to your plate that are rich sources of iron, like eggs, meat, poultry, fish, eggs , nuts, seeds, beans, and some vegetables. Pair with foods rich in vitamin C like tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruits and broccoli to help absorb iron better.

Cramps & Pain

Migraines and Bloating

3. Keep Yourself hydrated:

Your body needs more water when it is going through hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle. Drinking enough water will not only keep you hydrated but will also reduce bloating and weight fluctuation you experience throughout your cycle.

While drinking water is the main source of keeping yourself hydrated, there are also certain water-rich foods that can also help:


Certain fruits like watermelon, berries, tomatoes, apples and peaches contain high water content along with some essential nutrients.


Broth-based soups

Try to reduce your salt intake during your periods;. This will help you reduce bloating and minimize weight fluctuation. Also limit your alcohol and caffeine consumption.

4- Go For Low-stress Meal Options:

Don't stress yourself too much, as your body is already going through a lot during the perimenstrual phase. From hormonal changes to emotions, there can be various ups and downs during your cycle. So, you need to take care of yourself by choosing simple and low-stress options wherever possible.

Having easy-to-go food at home can make a great difference. When you don't feel like cooking or are low in energy, these foods can be a good option as they take minimal time to prepare. Some examples of Low-stress meals are:

  • A Veggies Sandwich with some sliced avocados, sliced boiled egg, fresh spinach, and fruits on the side

  • Roasted chicken with veggies. Coated with Italian seasoning and olive oil, and baked in the oven for just 15 minutes.

  • Healthy Quesadilla with low-fat cheese, some sliced tomatoes and onions, and  a little grilled whole-grain tortilla

You can also make a whole week's meal plan and prep your meals ahead for these days so you can give your body all the time it needs to rest and recover during your cycle.

Final Words

While we encourage you to have a healthy and balanced diet we also encourage you to listen to your body. Because everyone is different, especially when it comes to needs and what makes you feel better during your menstrual cycle.

So, it is important to experiment with different healthy habits throughout your journey and try different things around your periods to see what will work best for you. It is a great time for you to listen to what your body needs and practice some healthy approaches to a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

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